The backhand, especially the concept of a backcourt backhand, is a headache for many players if you just starting. We often admire professional players who can show-off various and gorgeous backhand moves, but in practice, our backhand technique is often poor. To master the backhand technique, is to practice on repeated high-intensity exercises. We need to have sufficient strength training for our rotator cuff muscles. A proper backhand can improve our strike power and protect our rotator cuff joints from damage. Let's start the strength training from a forearm external rotation exercise.

1. First lie your left side down on a yoga mat, bend the left foot 90°, and keep the right foot straight up on the floor.
2. Use the elbow to support you on the ground, put it directly under your shoulder, and hold your body in the centre.
3. Slowly raise the hip, align your head and spine in a line to form a side plank.

4. Hold the dumbbell in your right hand and gently place it ahead of your ribs. Put elbow close to your ribs, and the forearm and big arm are at a 90° angle.

5. Flip the forearm up and down to 45°, keep this exercise for 10-20 times until the sore feeling.
6. If for now your core strength is relatively weak, you can also stick the hip joint to the ground.
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